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Electrical Fire Safety

Electrical fires are the second most prevalent type of domestic fire in Australia. They are responsible for mass deaths and property damage every year in Australia. Residential electrical fires start in most occupied areas in the house. These areas include the bedroom, the living room, the kitchen, the home library, etc.

However, this does not exclude the non-occupied regions of the house, such as the attic. In electrical fires, certain materials are likely to catch fire first and burn faster than the others. These materials are most likely to be where the fire starts. In the event of an electrical fire, these materials are more likely to burn first:

• Cable insulation and electrical wires

• Interior covering of the walls

• The finish and outside wall covering

• Structural framing

• Acoustic wall insulation

• Ceiling

• Floors

• Partitions

Common Causes Of Electrical Fires

It is imperative to know the possible causes of electrical fires. This way, it becomes easier to prevent electrical fires. Remember, prevention is better than cure. Once you are well versed with what may cause an electrical fire, it becomes easier to avoid it by knowing exactly where to direct your attention. While there are several causes of electrical fires, here are some of the most common.

Faulty Electrical Appliances

According to research conducted in Australia, most malfunctioning electrical appliances cause electrical fires. Such appliances may be too old, damaged, or just outdated. Faulty appliance receptacles, switches, and cords may also cause electrical fires.

Therefore, if you spot a worn-out cord among your electrical appliances, that would be a big sign that you should discontinue use. Worn-out cords can transmit heat to easily flammable surfaces such as rugs, curtains, or floors, which will in turn cause fires.

Poor Wiring

Poor or just outdated wiring may also cause electrical fires. It is critical that you always hire a professional electrician to carry out the electrical wiring in your home. Similarly, it would help to get an inspection done after some time to ensure that the electrical wiring present in your home is up to date.

This is because an increase in electrical usage through the adoption of modern electrical appliances such as microwaves, laundry machines, computers, televisions, etc., may overload the older electrical wiring in your home. Electrical wiring always has circuit breakers that are triggered in case of circuit overload.

This may not be helpful where the circuit breaker boxes are outdated. This is because obsolete breaker boxes may have worn out electrical wires, thus preventing electrical overload from being detected and causing electrical fires.

Space Heaters

Space heaters may be very convenient due to their portable nature, but this feature makes them dangerous. Many people tend to carry these heaters from room to room and leave them carelessly in areas close to combustible materials such as clothing, furniture, couches, etc.

Such electrical fires are always caused by the space heater’s coil overheating and igniting the flammable items close to it. Electrical experts advise using radiator space heaters instead of coil space heaters. This is because radiator space heaters can diffuse heat evenly over the surface of the heater, making them less likely to cause electrical fires even when put close to flammable items.

Light Fixtures

Light appliances such as bulbs and lamps are among the most common causes of electrical fires. The primary problem with light fixtures is wrong calculation. Always ensure that you check the maximum recommended wattage of the bulbs before installing them in lamps.

This is because installing a bulb with a higher wattage than the lamp may cause an electrical fire. Moreover, avoid placing paper or clothing over the lampshade in your house. Such materials may quickly heat up and ignite, thus causing an electrical fire in your home.

It would help to ensure that all your light fixtures are updated and in good working condition. Faulty and malfunctioning light fixtures may also easily cause electrical fires.

Extension Cords

Extension cords are very safe until you misuse them. Most people connect electrical appliances into extension cords instead of plugging them into an outlet. This wrong and dangerous practice may easily cause an electrical fire. You may use an extension cord temporarily with maximum caution.

However, it is best that you hire a professional electrician to install electrical outlets in your house if there are not enough outlets available around your home.

Putting Out An Electrical Fire

There are various ways of putting out an electrical fire. Some of these approaches are simple and can be done domestically without professional help. However, it is worth remembering that the best practice is calling professional electricians to help put out the electrical fire to prevent further damage.

Before you start to put out an electrical fire in your home, it is essential that you prioritise your safety. This means ensuring that you identify at least two clear openings that you can use to escape should you be unable to put out the fire. Still, always ensure that you call professional help before you start putting out the fire.

If you cannot get professionals there in time or just have a small fire, here’s how to put the electrical fire out.

Disconnect the Electricity

The first thing to do in the event an electrical fire breaks out in your house is to turn off the power supply to the source of the fire. It would be best to disconnect the power supply to the whole home. If an electrical appliance has caused the fire, ensure that you unplug it as fast as you can.

Disconnecting the electricity will prevent the spread of the fire to other areas in your house. Similarly, unplugging the appliance would also prevent it from spreading the fire to other appliances or items around it. Once you disconnect the electricity, you can now focus on the single spot and extinguish the fire.

Use Baking Soda

This approach is ineffective for large electrical fires; however, it would suffice for small ones. If an electrical appliance causes a small electrical fire in your house, begin by unplugging the appliance. After unplugging it, pour some baking soda over the flames.

Baking soda contains Sodium Bicarbonate, a chemical substance used in Class C fire extinguishers, and thus would help put out the electrical fire. So yes, it is great to always have some baking soda in your house if something happens.

Cut Off Gas Supply

For small electrical fires, you could solve the problem and prevent further damages by cutting off the gas supply in your house. Some domestic appliances use gas for combustion, such as water heaters. Gas supports combustion and may be dangerous in the case of an electrical fire. Therefore, should an electrical fire break out in your house while you use gas, it would help to remove the gas source.

Cover with a Blanket

This is another approach suitable for putting out small electrical fires. If an appliance causes an electrical fire in your house and the fire has not spread to other areas, you could simply cover the appliance with a blanket to prevent further oxygen supply. Oxygen supports combustion, and once you cut out its supply, the fire may be extinguished.

Use a Fire Extinguisher

Most of the approaches highlighted above are effective for small electrical fires. For large electrical fires that are rapidly spreading, it would help to use a fire extinguisher. There are several kinds of fire extinguishers, and you need to be sure that you are using the right one.

Fire extinguishers are grouped into Class A, B, K, and C. Class A fire extinguishers are used to put out wood fires such as burning cardboard or wood furniture. Class B fire extinguishers terminate fire caused by liquid substances such as paint or gasoline.

It is worth remembering that not all liquid substances are grouped under class B fires. Other liquids such as grease and cooking oil are grouped under Class K and require a different fire extinguisher. Electrical fires are classified under Class C fires; therefore, you need to use a C Class fire extinguisher to put out electrical fires.

However, there are some fire extinguishers labelled as ABC extinguishers. These extinguishers are suitable for terminating class A, B, and C fires. Experts suggest that every home should have ABC extinguishers in at least one or two rooms.

Do Not Use Water

In the event of an electrical fire, resist the temptation of using water to put out the fire. Even though water is an effective way of extinguishing most types of fire, it is not the best for electrical fires. Water is dangerous and would increase the extent of an electrical fire.

Because water is such a fantastic conductor of electricity, it would increase the spread of an electrical fire instead of extinguishing it. Therefore, NEVER use water to put out electrical fires.

How To Prevent Electrical Fires

Preventing electrical fires is better than putting out electrical fires. Several actions would help in preventing the occurrence of electrical fires. These include:

• Hire a professional electrician to inspect your home and ensure that the wiring is in order. The experts would advise you on the appropriate usage of electrical appliances and may suggest applying for AFCI protection in your home.

• Inspect your electrical appliances frequently for any wear or tear to prevent electrical fires. Avoid using extension cords with heating units and do not overload the outlets.

• Ensure you use the correct bulb wattage and radiator space heaters.

• Pay attention to any signs of electrical failure.

Your Safety First!

There is no better option than hiring licensed electricians to ensure electrical safety in your home. Experienced electricians will check your wiring to ensure that everything is in the correct order. They would also check your electrical load and advise you on the appropriate usage to avoid overload, which may cause electrical fires.

Apart from adequately wiring your home, professional electricians may also help put out electrical fires. This is because electricians know all the safety tips of electrical and building codes that may prevent and deal with heat or overloads.

Qualified electricians can help with any electrical issue, whether it be the wiring, replacements, or putting out an electrical fire. Your safety and that of your pets and loved ones are of utmost importance so be sure to do all you can to keep safe from electrical fires.